Flood Information

Miami Shores Village, FL Activity 510 Progress Report

Over the past 12 months, Miami Shores has been active in the implementation of the mitigation projects within the Miami-Dade County Local Mitigation Strategy. This report will be provided to the Village Council for informational purposes in February of 2023 via the Manager’s report and will be posted on our Village website and on all social media outlets utilized by the Village. The 2023 status report is as follows:

Project DescriptionUPDATE as of 10/1/2023

C-8 canal system in the neighborhood of NE 105 Street, (behind K-Mart) needs a water control system to collect flood waters as they rise to keep from getting into the roads and homes in the neighborhood. The system would reduce the risk and the effects of future residential flooding.

Design finished, Should be completed by 2025.
In order to reduce future flooding in the residential area of NE 105 Street (behind K-Mart) the Village would like to install a new seawall to lessen the likelihood that water from the canal will intrude and cause damages in the future to homes and the roadways in the area.
No change and start is dependent on the Department of Enviromental Protection.
Design and construct new seawall system using poured concrete and tiebacks to replace 900 Foot seawall, currently in poor condition. Explore more hurricane resistant designs, including the angling of the seawall to allow better deflection of wave action. Re-engineer pylons to accept pedestrian safety rails.
Grants Received. In the design phase.

The neighborhood in the vicinity of 104 Street has been experiencing flooding in times of heavy rain especially during high tide and also sunny day flooding in relation to King Tides. Improvements to the drainage pumping system will allow to pump against the Kind Tides and reduced localized flooding.

Grants Received. In the design phase.

The existing Bayshore Drive pump station was affected by hurricane Irma and the station that exist now experienced salt-water intrusion that affected the performance capability of the pump. The Village would like to lift the concrete pad that the structural electrical box rests on now, salt-water intrusion from hurricane Irma caused corrosion. Lifting the electrical box would ensure that pump system has a better likely hood of staying unaffected during future storms. Also, a replacement fuel tank is necessary.

Grants Received. In the design phase.

There are no additional projects scheduled for implementation or revisions until the 5-year update of this plan as required by FEMA.
Adopted: October 6th, 2020
CRS 5-Year Update: January 2023


The purpose of this information is to provide flood insurance requirements, building standards, and safety measures to be taken to protect yourself and your property. Floods can occur in Miami Shores Village at any time during the year. Heavy rains during the rainy season from June through October pose the greatest threat for flooding. Heavy and prolonged rainfall causes the capacity of the drainage system, including the Village’s canals, to be exceeded. Flooding is more severe when the ground has been saturated due to previous heavy rainfall and a higher groundwater table. Due to the flat topography, flooding can occur almost anywhere in the Village. Being prepared is your best defense against a flood.



Regulated floodplains are illustrated on inundation maps called Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs). It is the official map for a community on which FEMA has delineated both the Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs) and the risk premium zones applicable to the community. SFHAs represent the areas subject to inundation by the 1-percent-annual chance flood event. Structures located in the SFHA have a 26-percent chance of flooding during the life of a standard 30-year mortgage. FEMA FIRM maps are available for free public viewing online at msc.fema.gov/portal. You can also contact the Neighborhood Services Department (305) 762-4863 for help determining if your property is in a flood zone.

Everyone should know their flood zone. No matter where you live or work, some risk of flooding exists. Contact the Village's Neighborhood Services Department at [305] 762-4861 to find:

  •  In which flood zone a property is located
  •  If it is in an area that has had local drainage problems
  •  If it is in a mapped repetitive flood loss area
  •  If it is near an area that should be protected due to its natural floodplain functions

The Village has Elevation Certifications on file for some properties in the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA).


Flooding is not covered by a standard homeowner’s insurance policy. Flood insurance is available to homeowners, condo owners, commercial owners, and all renters. Renters are encouraged to purchase flood insurance for their homes. Homeowners can get up to $250,000 of coverage and businesses up to $500,000. Renters can obtain up to $100,000 of coverage. Note that there is a 30-day waiting period before coverage goes into effect. That means now is the best time to buy flood insurance! Contact your preferred insurance agency for more information. Additional information can be found online at www.floodsmart.gov or by calling 1-888-379-9531. Copies of Elevation Certificates are available for review at the Building Department. For more information on requirements and availability of elevation certificates, contact the Building Department at (305) 795-2204.


We coordinate with the Miami-Dade County Division of Emergency Management and the National Weather Service in issuing public warnings concerning expected floods and storms. Local Television and radio stations and The Weather Channel may announce weather advisories issued by the National Weather Service. These stations may also provide local weather information: 

WQAM 560 AM              WPOW 96.5 FM             WFOR CBS Ch. 4

WIOD 610 AM                WHY1100,7 FM             WTVJ NBC Ch.6

WINZ 940 AM                WFLC 97.3 FM              WSVN FOX Ch. 7

WQBA 1140 (Spanish)                                       WPLG ABC Ch.10 

WAQI710 (Spanish)                                           WLTV Channel 23 (Spanish)

All hazard NOAA Weather radios (NWR) are available for purchase in local electronic retail or department stores and provide access to the NOAA Weather Radio Frequencies 162.550 and 162.450.

If flooding threatens your home, turn off electricity at the main breaker. If you lose power, turn off all major appliances. Turn off the gas and be alert for gas leaks. Avoid low-lying areas. Seek shelter in the highest areas possible. Discuss your family emergency plan. Your family may not be together when disaster strikes, so it is important to know how you will contact one another, how you will get back together, and what you will do in case of an emergency. Never attempt to drive through flooded roadways. As little as two feet of running water can carry away most vehicles. Turn Around, Don’t Drown!


Various methods may be used to minimize flooding. If the first-floor elevation of your property is lower than the base flood elevation (BFE) established by FEMA, consider elevating your structure. If you live in a flood zone, protect your property by sandbagging areas vulnerable to the entry of water. Valuables and furniture may also be moved to higher areas of the dwelling to minimize damages.  

If you would like ideas for protecting your home or business and your personal belongings from flood damage, please visit the Village’s website at MSVfl.gov and click on "Flood Information."

Village staff can offer advice regarding property protection measures for your property and make a site visit if necessary. Call the Neighborhood Services Department at (305) 762-4861 for assistance.


A building permit is issued by the Building Department to build a structure or otherwise develop on a property located within a 100-year floodplain. The National Flood Insurance Program requires that if your structure is damaged or improved to an amount of 50% or more of the structure’s market value, it must meet the construction requirements for a new building. All new and substantially improved buildings must be built with the lowest floor, including a basement, elevated no lower than the base flood elevation (BFE). All enclosures must be properly designed and constructed with flood vents to minimize damage. Before you build, fill, or otherwise develop in a floodplain, contact the Building Department at (305) 795-2204 to discuss Village regulations. Report any development in a floodplain without a permit to the Building Department.


Floodplains are a natural component of the Miami Shores environment. Understanding and protecting the natural functions of floodplains help reduce flood damage and protect resources. When flooding spreads out across the floodplain, its energy is dissipated, which results in lower flood flows downstream, reduced streambank and channel erosion, less deposition of sediments, and improved groundwater recharge. Poorly planned development in floodplains can lead to erosion, loss of valuable property, increased downstream flooding, and degradation of water quality. Per the Village and County Code of Ordinances, it is illegal to dump anything in the Village's canals, ponds, lakes, and streams. Dumping materials into our canals or drains pollutes our waters, clogs our storm drains, and leads to flooding in our neighborhoods. For questions, or to report obstructions or violations, please contact the Neighborhood Services Department at (305) 762-4861.

VICE MAYOR VALINSKY on Flood Mitigation and CRS Rating

To further advance our sustainability efforts, Miami Shores Village has elevated flood mitigation as one of its top priorities as evident it our active participation in the National Flood insurance Program's (NFIP) Community Rating System (CRS). Within the last year, the village has employed various mitigation strategies that resulted in our CRS rating moving from an 8 (5% flood discount) to a 5 (25% flood discount). Beginning in 2024, these improvements will in turn reduce the rates that residents pay for their flood insurance, while carrying out flood management measures designed to protect life and property from future flooding. The Village continues to examine best practices from other communities and is committed to lowering the CRS rating through greater education and by investing in innovative flood mitigation strategies. 

Only a few inches of water can cost thousands of dollars in damage to walls, floors, furniture, carpets, and appliances. This damage, resulting from rising waters, typically is not covered by homeowner's, business owner's or renter’s policies. For many of us, our home and its contents represent our greatest investment. I would like to encourage you to consider flood insurance for your property whether you are an owner or a renter, for your building and/or the contents. With flood insurance, you're able to recover faster and more fully.

To find out more about flood insurance awareness and recommendations for your property and its contents please call the Village at (305) 762-4863.

More information can also be collected from your insurance agent. Also, you may go to the Floodsmart.gov website or call 877-336-2627 to find an agent and to learn.


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Flood Resources
Construction Certificate Management Procedures

Within the Village of Miami Shores, FL, the Building Official within the Department of Development Services is responsible of all construction that falls under the Florida Building Code, to include permitting, inspections, and review of all construction plans. The Building Department maintains all permitting files and documents associated with the Village’s Floodplain Management Program, including the Village’s adopted Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance, Elevation Certificates, documents related to substantial improvements, Elevation Certificate Brochure, and other outreach and educational materials.  

The Building Official reviews all development applications and supporting documents that are located with the Special Flood Hazard Area. Additionally, the Building Official conducts inspections of all Pre-Construction Elevation Certificates, Form Board Surveys, Finished- Construction Elevation Certificates and Final Surveys.

The purpose of this document is to explain our management procedures for review of Elevation Certificates and all other required floodplain-related construction certificates including, but not limited to, Floodproofing Certificates, and engineered flood-opening certificates. These procedures outline the types of certificates required, the collection and review of all certificates, how corrections should be made, where the certificates are stored/archived, and how we make these certificates available to the public.

The following are the flood zones on the current FIRM:

Zone A (1% annual chance flood),

Zone AE (1% annual chance flood),

Zone AH (ponding)

Zone VE (1% annual chance flood)

Zone X-Shaded (0.2% Annual Chance Flood), and

Zone X-Unshaded (<0.2% Annual Chance Flood).


The Village of Miami Shores primarily has the following types of buildings (new construction) in relationship to the FEMA Diagram numbers:

1A - Slab on grade,

1B - Raised slab on grade or stem wall, and

8 - Elevated on crawlspace.

Some older buildings for substantial improvements may be from other FEMA diagram numbers.

When any new construction, substantial improvement or repair for a substantially damaged building is proposed in the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) as the Village only enforces regulations with the SFHA, the Building Official shall require an Elevation Certificate and any other floodplain-related certificate that is appropriate for construction and the design of the building such as a Floodproofing Certificate, V-Zone Certification and/or a certification for engineered flood openings for the development.


The Village of Miami Shores Building Department requires that a final “Finished Construction” or “As-Built” Elevation Certificate be provided before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued for the building.

The Building Department requests that applicants submit an Elevation Certificate marked “Construction Drawings” or “Building Under Construction” with the building permit application prior to Form Board review. This procedure is not required by ordinance. After the foundation is built or the forms are placed for a Diagram 1A or 1 B building and the elevation of the lowest floor is determined, this is a check (inspection) by the Building Department to ensure the building conforms to the building permit, plans and elevation requirement.

Once construction on the building is finished and all adjacent grading is finalized, a complete and correct “Finished Construction” Elevation Certificate must be submitted by the applicant to show the “As-Built” characteristics of the building. A “Finished Construction” Elevation Certificate is, reviewed, and corrected (if necessary) by the Building Official before a Certificate of Occupancy for that building is issued by the Building Department. At this point, all other required certificates must also be submitted and reviewed.

If a Floodproofing Certificate for Non-Residential Structures is required for a floodproofed non-residential building, an Elevation Certificate is not required for purposes of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). A complete and correct Floodproofing Certificate is required to be submitted to the Building Official once construction is finished on the building but before issuing a Certificate of Occupancy.

When engineered flood openings are installed in the foundation of a building, and the Elevation Certificate indicates that they were installed (Sections A8d and A9d on the Elevation Certificate), an engineered opening certification is required to be submitted with the Elevation Certificate to help verify compliance and the insurance rate. The Village of Miami Shores will ensure the developer, engineer, surveyor or homeowner submits either the International Code Council® Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) form for the engineered opening or an individual certification. Individual certifications must cover the following, at a minimum:

  • An identification of the building (address) that has the engineered openings installed, and
  • The design professional’s name, title, address, type of license, the state issuing the license, signature, and seal.
  • A statement certifying the design of the openings will automatically equalize hydrostatic flood loads on exterior walls by allowing for the automatic entry and exit of floodwaters; and
  • A description of the range of flood characteristics tested or computed for which the certification is valid, such as rates of rise and fall of floodwaters.


The Building Official is responsible for collecting and reviewing Elevation Certificates, Floodproofing Certificates and Engineered Opening Certifications. The Building Official within the Building Department is the local official responsible for receiving and reviewing these certificates and certifications.

All Finished Construction Elevation Certificates are submitted to the Building Department for tracking and initial review and correspond to a building permit number. The Building Official logs the Elevation Certificate in the building permit tracking system and then reviews the Elevation Certificate for accuracy and according to the NFIP and CRS Elevation Certificate Checklist requirements. All authority for receiving and reviewing an Elevation Certificate for compliance rests with the Building Official.


The Village of Miami Shores Building Department and its Building Official makes sure that the Elevation Certificate is reviewed against the CRS’s Elevation Certificate Checklist and the NFIP requirements where appropriate, when reviewing an Elevation Certificate to ensure all required fields are completed correctly. When an error is noticed on an Elevation Certificate, there are four ways to correct it.

  • For any inaccurate or incomplete information in Section C2, the Building Official will request a new certificate from the applicant or his/her representative (surveyor/engineer/architect) who certified the form.
  • For any inaccurate or incomplete information in Section C2, where the applicant or his/her representative refuses to make corrections, the Building Official will ask another surveyor or engineer to complete the Elevation Certificate.

(3)   If incomplete or inaccurate information is found in the other sections, the Building Official will do the following. It is the policy of the Village of Miami Shores to not mark up a signed and sealed Elevation Certificate.

  1. The Building Official will prepare a separate “CRS Memo of Correctness” with the correct information. The “CRS Memo of Correctness” is then attached to the Elevation Certificate. Both the Elevation Certificate and “CRS Memo of Correctness” is provided to an inquirer: or
  2. The Building Official can also note the changes or corrections in Section G of the Elevation Certificate.

All Finished Construction Elevation Certificates that had errors on them shall be returned to the applicant within 48 hours for immediate correction. In no case shall a Finished Construction Elevation Certificate be accepted until all corrections deemed appropriate by the Building Official are addressed. In no cases shall a Certificate of Occupancy for a permit be issued until the Building Official, the Building Officialand the Engineering Department have all signed off and approved all inspections.

If corrections are completed after the Certificate of Occupancy/Final Approval, the Building Official shall ensure the homeowner receives a copy of the corrected Elevation Certificate in case the correction(s) would affect the building’s insurance rating.


Upon submittal, all Elevation Certificates and floodproofing certificates are scanned into the building permit tracking system and stored in hardcopy permanently in the Building Department.   Additionally, all Elevation Certificates located within the Special Flood Hazard Area are saved on the Building Department’s server under a separate folder labeled “Activity 310” and organized by CRS recertification date for CRS purposes. All other state and local records retention policies shall be observed. The Village of Miami Shores follows Chapters 119 and 257, Florida Statutes for public record requirements. Additionally, the Village follows the State of Florida Records Retention Schedule outlined in the Florida Administrative Code 1B-24 and 1B-26. Specifically, the schedule requires permanent retention of National Flood Insurance Program records for Floodplain Construction Authorization and Flood Mitigation Assistance Program. National Flood Insurance Program records related to the Community Rating System are retained for the duration of the Village’s participation in the Program.


When a member of the public requests a copy of an Elevation Certificate, the request shall be initiated with the Building Department. The Building Official shall act on the request immediately, if time allows, but at worst, shall have 48 hours to make a copy of the requested information and make the documentation available to the inquirer. There is no fee for the request of Elevation Certificates.

Drainage Maintenance

Canals and channels in our community provide an invaluable drainage feature to help carry potential floodwaters away. Grass clippings and branches can accumulate and plug channels. A plugged channel contributes to flooding in surrounding areas. Do not dump or discharge anything into the bay, rivers, canals or any other body of water that helps our drainage system. Please keep in mind that it is against the Code of Ordinances to empty your swimming pool into the villages drainage system. Dumping and discharging is a violation of Village and County Codes and it can be reported to the Neighborhood Services Department at 305-762-4863.

Flood Information

The Building Department maintains elevation certificates that have been filed with the department for properties that have been substantially improved. Copies of elevation certificates that are on file with the Building Department are available at 10050 NE 2nd Avenue, Miami Shores, FL 33138. Telephone number (305) 795-2204.

The Planning Department maintains a copy of the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) and can help you to locate your property on the FIRM map and find the FIRM zone for your property. The Planning Department is located at 10050 NE 2nd Avenue, Miami Shores, FL 33138. Telephone number (305) 795-2207.

Or, you may click on the links provided to go to the FEMA web site and review the FIRM maps for Miami Shores.

Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM)

The Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) detailed digital flood hazard maps reflect current flood risks for Miami Shores and Miami-Dade County.

The maps, also referred to as Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), illustrate flood hazards throughout the Miami Shores and the County and are used when determining flood insurance policy rates. Residents and businesses can view the maps to better understand their potential flood risk and the need to take to protect against property damage and loss.

The following Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) for Miami Shores will help you to determine if your home lies in an area susceptible to flooding, known as Special Flood Hazard Areas or flood zones.

FEMA adopted new Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) for Miami Shores, September 11, 2009. The adoption of new maps was a requirement of FEMA for Miami Shores to continue participating in the NFIP, which guarantees the availability of flood insurance to residents within Miami Shores.

The FIRM maps can be found at the FEMA Flood Map Service Center.

Flood Safety

It takes only six (6) inches of moving water to knock a person down causing injury and possibly death. In order to protect your property and human lives, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Have an evacuation plan. Have two weeks of medication, food and water.
  2. The elderly, disabled or persons with special needs should register with Miami-Dade County’s Division of Emergency Management.
  3. Trees should be trimmed regularly, prior to a hurricane in preparation for possible flooding.
  4. Doors, windows or any building openings should be secured.
  5. Driving through flooded areas should be avoided; power lines may be down.
  6. Be alert to gas leaks. Candles and any other type of open flames should be carefully monitored.
Flood Warning Information

The National Weather Service, along with the Miami-Dade Department of Emergency Management & Homeland Security provides flood warning information to Village residents. The following local radio and television stations will provide information as part of the Emergency Broadcasting System:

WIOD 610WTVJ Channel 4
WQBA 1140WCIX Channel 6
WINZ 940WSVN Channel 7
WAQI 710WLTV Channel 23
Miami Shores Police Department(305) 759-2468
Miami Dade Fire Department(786) 331-5000
Miami Shores Building Department(305) 795-2204
Miami Shores Planning Department(305) 795-2207
DERM - Department of Environmental Resource Management(305) 372-6688
South Florida Water Management(800) 432-2045
FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency(770) 220-5200

Additional information on floods and flood protection is available at the Miami Shores Brockway Memorial Library, 10021 NE 2nd Avenue.

Flood Zone Designations

Zone A is the flood insurance rate zone determined by approximate methods, as no Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) are available for these areas. Mandatory flood insurance purchase requirements apply.

Zone AE is the flood insurance rate zone that corresponds with flood depths greater than 3 feet. Mandatory flood insurance purchase requirements apply.

Zone VE is the flood insurance rate zone that corresponds to coastal areas that have additional hazards associated with storm waves. Mandatory flood insurance requirements apply.

Zone X and Zone X-500 are flood insurance rate zones that are outside the flood plain or with average flood depths of less than 1 foot. Flood insurance purchase is not mandatory



FEMA uses the most accurate flood hazard information available and applies rigorous standards in developing the FIRMs. However, because of limitations of scale or topographic definition of the source maps used to prepare a FIRM, small areas may be inadvertently shown within an SFHA on a FIRM even though the property (legally defined parcel(s) of land, structure[s]) is on natural ground and is at or above the elevation of the 1-percent-annual-chance flood. This elevation is most commonly referred to as the Base Flood Elevation, or BFE. Such cases are referred to as "inadvertent inclusions."

For other small areas, earthen fill may have been placed during construction, thereby elevating a small area within the SFHA to an elevation that is at or above the BFE. This construction may have taken place during the time the engineering study was being performed or subsequent to that study. Because of the limited extent of the elevated area and the limitations of the map scale, it may not have been possible for FEMA to show this area as being outside the SFHA and so these areas have been incorrectly included in the SFHA on the FIRM.

Recognizing that these situations do occur, FEMA established administrative procedures to change the designation for these properties on the FIRM. These processes are referred to as the Letter of Map Amendment, or LOMA, process and the Letter of Map Revision Based on Fill, or LOMR-F, process. Through these processes, an individual who owns, rents, or leases property may submit certain mapping and survey information to FEMA and request that FEMA issue a document that officially removes a property and/or structure from the SFHA. In most cases, the applicant will need to hire a Licensed Land Surveyor or Registered Professional Engineer to prepare an Elevation Certificate for the property. Upon receiving a complete application forms package, FEMA will normally complete its review and issue its determination in 4 to 6 weeks.

FEMA Information on LOMA and LOMR-F


An area of special flood hazard extending from offshore to the inland limit of a primary frontal dune along an open coast and any other area subject to high velocity wave action from storms or seismic sources. The coastal high hazard area is identified as Zone V on Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs). Special floodplain management requirements apply in V Zones including the requirement that all buildings be elevated on piles or columns.

An area within Miami Shores along Biscayne Bay is within the coastal high hazard area, V Zone.


The following definitions should assist you in determining if you fall under the 50% rule, special development regulations will apply:

Substantial Damage: Damage of any origin sustained by a structure whereby the cost of restoring the structure to it’s before damaged condition would equal or exceed fifty (50) percent of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred.

Substantial Improvement means any combination of reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other improvement of a structure, taking place during a one (1) year period, the cumulative cost of which equals or exceeds 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the "start of construction" of the improvement. This term includes structures that have incurred "substantial damage" regardless of the actual repair work performed. This term does not, however, include any repair or improvement of a structure to correct existing violations of State of Florida or local health, sanitary, or safety code specifications, which have been identified by the local code enforcement official prior to the application for permit for improvement, and which are the minimum necessary to assure safe living conditions.

Flood Zone Maps

View the Flood Zone Maps using Miami-Dade County's Interactive Web Tool

Once you navigate to this web tool, Miami-Dade GIS Service: Flood Zone Maps enter your address to view the map for your area. Please read the disclaimer before proceeding. Contact the Miami Shores Planning Office at (305) 762-4864 to view the FEMA adopted new Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) for Miami Shores, September 11, 2009 and to discuss your specific property.

View the FEMA Maps

You can also view the digital maps through FEMA's website. Please note that paper maps were phased out under FEMA's Map Modernization Program.

There are several options to view the digital maps. The choice will depend on your computer resources and information needs. The options are:

  • Visit the FEMA Map Service Center and download the FIRMette Desktop Viewer. This application supports the maps in image format (.tiff or .png). This version supports FIRMette creation for both two-color and black and white maps. This application is to be used with a FEMA-DFIRM CD that can be ordered from the FEMA Map Service Center.
  • Use the new FEMA MapViewer Application. This desktop application support the maps in ESRI shapefile format. First, download the MapViewer application and follow the instructions for installation.

This website provides zipped Keyhole Markup Language (.kmz) files through which users can view map overlays created from FEMA's National Flood Hazard Layer on Google Earth images.

Floodplain Management in Miami Shores

Miami Shores adopted Chapter 8.5 Creation of Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance in response to FEMA requirements to adopt a flood damage prevention ordinance. The State of Florida incorporated floodplain management into the 2010 Florida Building Code (FBC) and included requirements for construction in the special flood hazard area (SFHA). The more restrictive of the provisions shall apply.

The requirements of Chapter 8.5 and the building code are in addition to the regulations of the underlying zoning district.

Miami-Dade Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan

The Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) establishes the framework to ensure that Miami-Dade County and its municipalities are prepared to deal with these hazards. The CEMP coordinates the activities of these groups under the Emergency Support Function (ESF) System with a designated lead agency for a comprehensive approach to planning, response, and recovery from identified hazards.

The NIMS/ICS principles have been incorporated and institutionalized into the County’s response management model as illustrated through-out this document and in the policies and procedures of the County’s response agencies

National Flood Insurance Program

The National Flood Insurance Program is a federal program created in 1968 to provide flood insurance to people who live in areas with the greatest risk of flooding, called Special Flood Hazard Areas. The program provides an alternative to disaster assistance and reduces the escalating costs of repairing damage to buildings and their contents caused by floods. The program provides flood insurance, while at the same time encouraging the sensible management and use of floodplains to reduce flood damage. The National Flood Insurance Program offers flood insurance to homeowners, renters and business owners, provided their communities use the program’s strategies for reducing flood risk, including adopting and enforcing floodplain management ordinances to reduce future flood damage. Community participation in the National Flood Insurance Program is voluntary. However, flood insurance and many kinds of federal disaster assistance are not available in communities that do not participate in the program.

Floodplain management is the operation of a community program of corrective and preventative measures for reducing flood damage. These measures take a variety of forms and generally include requirements for zoning, subdivision or building, and special-purpose floodplain ordinances.

A community's agreement to adopt and enforce floodplain management ordinances, particularly with respect to new construction and substantial improvement to existing structures, is an important element in making flood insurance available to home and business owners.

Some areas within Miami Shores Village have been designated “Special Flood Hazard Areas” by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Generally homeowner’s insurance policies do not cover flood damage, and disaster assistance programs will not cover all of your losses. However because Miami Shores Village participates in the National Flood Insurance Program, you can purchase a separate flood insurance policy. Federal law requires all properties located in the Special Flood Hazard Area that are secured by a federally backed mortgage (FHA, VA, FNMA, etc.) to carry flood insurance. The National Flood Insurance program provided by the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) makes flood insurance available to everyone in the Village whether they live in a floodplain or not and even for properties that have never been flooded. Information on the cost and coverage of flood policies can be obtained from your insurance agent. If you own your home you can purchase coverage for the structure and the contents, if you rent you can purchase coverage for contents. In most cases there is a 30-day waiting period before the flood insurance policy becomes effective. For most people, a home and its contents are their greatest investment. Maintaining flood insurance to protect yourself from a devastating loss is essential. Be sure you have content coverage and that the policy limits are sufficient to cover the present day value of your potential losses.

As a participant in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Community Ratings System (CRS), the Village takes measures to reduce and ultimately, eliminate the community’s exposure to floods. Presently, Village residents may receive a 10% discount on their flood insurance policy. Check with your insurance agent for details.


Visit the National Flood Insurance Program Page


Information is available from the National Flood Insurance Program at the link below:

Residential Coverage the Basics


Additional Links

National Weather Service

National Hurricane Center


Permit Requirements / Protection Measures

Before you build, alter, re-grade or put fill on your property, you need to check with the Building Department. Permits are required to ensure that all of the work is properly done and to avoid further problems. Failure to obtain permits can result in an unsafe building, a fine and possible court action.

While recent improvements in construction practices and regulations have made new homes less prone to flood damage, there are a significant number of existing homes that are susceptible to flood losses. These losses can be minimized through some of the temporary and permanent retrofitting techniques:

1) Construction of small flood walls

2) Water proofing of your walls and water tightening closures of doorways

3) Raising your property above the flood level

Information on these techniques can be obtained from the Building Department. Please contact the Building Department at 305-795-2204 to discuss what you may do to reduce the potential for flood damage to your new or existing home.

Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)

The Special Flood Hazard Area is the area that would be inundated by a 100 year flood.

Reference to a 100 year flood however is misleading because it does not actually mean a flood like that will only happen once every 100 years. A 100 year flood has a 1% chance of occurring yearly and what this means is the chance is small but you could have a 100 year flood two years in a row or twice in five or ten years.

Please be aware, properties that are not within the Special Flood Hazard Area may also be subject to flooding.

The SFHA is the area where the NFIP's floodplain management regulations must be enforced by the village and the area where the mandatory purchase of flood insurance applies as described below. The SFHA includes Zones A, AO, AH, A1-30, AE, A99, AR, AR/A1-30, AR/AE, AR/AO, AR/AH, AR/A, VO, V1-30, VE, and V.

Of the zones listed, the following SFHA Zones are found in Miami Shores: AE-7, AE-8, AE-9, AE-10, AH-11, VE and V.

The VE zone is a Special Flood Hazard Area found in Miami Shores in an area along Biscayne Bay. The VE zone is a coastal flood zone with velocity hazard (wave action) and additional regulations over and above those for the Special Flood Hazard Area in general, apply to development in the VE zone. Check with the Building Department for Details.

General Information
Phone Numbers
305-759-2207 Option 2
Emergencies: Dial 911
10050 NE 2ND Avenue
Miami Shores,

Mike Orta
Neighborhood Services Manager