Comprehensive Plan

The Comprehensive Plan or Comp Plan is a long-range policy document required to be maintained per Florida Statutes of all Florida local government. It is essentially a blueprint to guide the future development of Miami Shores Village in order to maintain a thriving, sustainable community. In order to properly maintain the Comprehensive Plan, it has to be updated every seven (7) years through the Evaluation and Appraisal Review (EAR) process. Other amendments could occur between EAR updates, these amendments are typically privately initiated or can also be publicly initiated. Amendments procedures are to follow Florida State Statutes, for more information, visit the Department of Florida Commerce (Formerly known as Department of Economic Opportunities) at

FLUM 2023

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Comprehensive Plan 2025
FLUE & FLUM Update

Early 2022, Miami Shores Village identified a series of internal inconsistencies in the 2025 Comprehensive Plan resulting from the 2018 EAR update – specifically certain discrepancies between the text of the Future Land Use Element and the Future Land Use Map of the Plan that are not adequately supported by background data and technical analysis. It is critical that these discrepancies are corrected quickly to protect all Village property owners from having a potentially inaccurate land use designation on their property, which in turn may lead to incorrect property assessments and conflicting zoning, among other risks.

On July 13, 2022, the Ordinance was presented to and reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Board where it was unanimously approved. Then, the Ordinance was presented and reviewed by Village Council on July 19, 2022, where it failed after receiving a tied vote of 2-2. The Ordinance was subsequently revised to include all comments received during the public hearings.

During the October 18, 2022 Council meeting, the ordinance draft dated 10-07-22 was postponed to be heard again during the December 6, 2022. In addition, during the November 1, 2022 Council meeting, the hearing date was modified to December 14, 2022.The material and video from the Comprehensive Plan Workshop held on Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2022 can be found here.

The Village Council voted 4-1 during the first reading of the ordinance during the December 14, 2022 Council meeting, access to the video and package presented to Council can be found here.  Consequently, the Village submitted the approved first reading package to the Department of Economic Opportunities (DEO), the package sent can be found here.

According to Florida Statutes 163.3177 (6) (2021), the Village Council adopted during the January 17, 2023 meeting, Ordinance No. 2023-01 to create a new Comprehensive Plan element, this element is titled Property Rights Element, you can find a copy of the ordinance along with the transmittal package to DEO here.

The Property Rights Element has been found “In Compliance” by DEO, you can find the determination letter here

Further, Village staff were advised that there was a deficiency with the December 14, 2022, legal notice. To cure the issue, a re-hearing of the first reading for the text and FLUM amendments was held on February 21, 2023.  During the latest Village Council, the amendments were modified and approved for re-transmittal to DEO and external agencies, you can find the latest transmittal package here

This re-transmittal has been accepted by DEO, you can see the Acknowledgement Letter here. DEO is preparing the Agency’s Objection, Recommendation and Comment Report (ORC). This report will be mailed to the Village on or about April 29, 2023.  Subsequently, the Village will have to prepare and adopt the text and FLUM amendments’ ordinance.

The Village Council at the September 11, 2023 hearing approved the FLUE and FLUM ordinance along with the proposed amendments recommended by the Planning and Zoning Board. Village staff has submitted the adoption ordinance to the Department of Florida Commerce (formerly known as DEO), you can find the transmittal adoption HERE. The Department of Florida Commerce conducted a compliance review and issued a Notice of Intent regarding the adopted Ordinance on November 2, 2023, the Notice can be found HERE. This notice brings the FLUE & FLUM Updates to completion!

Evaluation of the Current Comprehensive Plan

The Comprehensive Plan or Comp Plan is a long-range policy document required to be maintained per Florida Statutes of all Florida local government. It is essentially a blueprint to guide the future development of Miami Shores Village in order to maintain a thriving, sustainable community. In order to properly maintain the Comp Plan, it has to be updated every seven (7) years through the Evaluation and Appraisal Review (EAR). The Department of Economic Opportunities (DEO) assigned July 2022 as the required date for the Village to commence its EAR and we have a year, July 2023, to complete the review.

You can click below under each Comp Plan element to learn about its goals, objectives, and policies.

2025 1 Cover and Tables of Content

2025 Chapter 1 Comprehensive Plan FLUE

2025 Chapter 2 Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element

2025 Chapter 3 Comprehensive Plan Housing Element

2025 Chapter 4 Comprehensive Plan Property Rights Element

2025 Chapter 5 Comprehensive Plan Infrastructure Element 

2025 Chapter 6 Comprehensive Plan Coastal Management Element

2025 Chapter 7 Comprehensive Plan Conservation Element

2025 Chapter 8 Comprehensive Plan Recreation Element

2025 Chapter 9 Comprehensive Plan Intergovernmental Coordination Element 

2025 Chapter 10 Comprehensive Plan Capital Improvement Element

2025 Chapter 11 Comprehensive Plan Education Element

2025 Comprehensive Plan Map Series

On March 9, 2023 we held a public event at Doctors Charter School to discuss the remaining Elements, listed above. The event presentation can be found here and comments from the public are found here. As we continue with the Comp Plan review, there will be more in-person opportunities for you to participate and provide feedback, available now is the Public Feedback Tool, by using this tool you can send your questions/comments/suggestions at any time.

Comp Plan Public Feedback

Miami Shores Florida - Comp Plan Public Feedback

General Information
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
10050 NE 2 AVE
Miami Shores,

Monday - Friday
8:30am - 5:00pm

Scarlett Hammonds, AICP
Interim Director of Planning, Zoning and Resiliency

Alizgreeth Tezen
Planning & Zoning Technician