Hire an Off-Duty Officer

Request: Rates:
Standard typical detail rate       $55.00 per hour      
Required supervisor rate (When 5 or more officers are requested)  $60.00 per hour
Holiday rate $60.00 per hour
Supervisor holiday rate $65.00 per hour
Within 72 hours request rate $75.00 per hour


Holidays 2025
Date: Holiday:
January 1st New Years Eve
February 17th President's Day
May 26th Memorial Day
June 19th Juneteenth
July 4th Independence Day
September 1st Labor Day
October 13th Columbus Day
November 11th Veteran's Day
November 27th Thanksgiving Day
November 28th   Friday after Thanksgiving  
   December 25th     Christmas Day

There is a 3-hour minimum for each Officer scheduled
There is a 20 percent administrative charge to the Village for all Extra Duty Details.
Customers must provide 24 hours’ notice for all cancellations. There is a 3-hour minimum
if proper notice is not provided.
I agree to abide by the Village of Miami Shores rules, regulations and ordinances should
my application be approved. Additionally, I will fulfill the requirements placed upon this
application as expressed in the Terms of Agreement.
NOTE: Officer requests are never guaranteed as they are based on the Officer's schedules
and availability.

*Please note that a 10% processing fee will be added for payments made online using a credit card.

General Information
Phone Numbers
Fax: 305-795-2212
Emergencies: Dial 911
9990 NE 2ND Avenue
Miami Shores,

David Golt, Chief of Police