Doing Business with the Village

The Miami Shores Village website is the preferred source of notices, addenda, bids, and other communications. Village Divisions are required to purchase goods and/or services with a Village Purchase Order issued by the Finance Division or a Village Procurement Card.

Suppliers must not accept verbal or written orders for goods or services unless they receive a Village Purchase Order or other evidence that the Finance Division has authorized the purchase. Failure to have valid purchase authorization can result in non-payment of an invoice. The Village accepts no liability for purchases made by its employees without a valid Purchase Order or other procurement authorization issued by the Village.

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How to do Business with the Village

Comparative Price Quotations or Informal Bids

All purchasing of supplies and services of a total estimated yearly value of up to the bid limit of $25,000 may be made in the open market without newspaper advertisement and without observing the procedures prescribed for formal purchasing procedures. Per Resolution No.1124-07, purchasing levels as they pertain to the competitive bidding process are as follows:

All purchases less than three thousand ($3,000.00) dollars made by the Village shall be by written, signed purchase order, unless procedures are adopted to purchase through other authorized systems such as Written Contract, Procurement Card, Electronic Data Interchange, etc.

The Division requesting the quotes shall keep records of oral and written quotations for open market purchases and shall use all reasonably available and current bidders and suppliers lists. Quotations in excess of three thousand ($7,500.00) dollars shall be provided in writing.

Purchases Over $3,000 and Less Than $7,500

Every effort shall be made to obtain a minimum of three (3) quotations. When it is impossible to obtain three (3) quotations or informal bids, it shall be stated in writing, with an explanation.

Purchases of or contracts for materials, supplies, equipment, improvements, or services for which funds are provided in the budget, where the total amount to be expended is in excess of $3,000.00 but which does not exceed $7,500.00, may be made or entered into by the Village Manager or designee shall require that the Project Manager obtain telephone quotes from at least three different viable vendors/ sources. Single purchases or contracts in excess of $7,500.00 shall not be broken down into amounts less than $7,500.00 to avoid the requirements of this subsection. The award will be made to the lowest and best responsive, responsible bidder meeting specifications after receiving three telephone quotes.

Purchases Over $7,500 and Less Than $25,000

Purchases of or contracts for materials, supplies, equipment, improvements, or services for which funds are provided in the budget, where the total amount to be expended is in excess of $7,500.00 but which does not exceed $25,00.00, may be made or entered into by the Village Manager or designee shall require that the Project Manager obtain written quotes from at least three different viable vendors/ sources. Single purchases or contracts in excess of $25,000.00 shall not be broken down into amounts less than $25,000.00 to avoid the requirements of this subsection.
The award will be made to the lowest and best responsive, responsible bidder meeting specifications after receiving three written quotes.

Purchases $25,000 - Competitive Solicitations

All contracts for the purchase of commodities or contractual services exceeding $25,000 shall be awarded pursuant to a competitive solicitation unless otherwise authorized.

The Procurement Division shall advertise any competitive solicitation for commodities and for contractual services on the Village’s Procurement Web Page and legal advertisement in the Miami Daily Business Review. The Village Manager shall have the authority to waive the advertisement requirement when the number of potential Responders is limited and can be solicited, when the availability of funding so requires, or when delivery is urgent.

Competitive solicitation responses shall remain sealed until notice of intent to award is given or within thirty (30) days after the response opening, whichever is earlier.

All of the Village’s competitive solicitations are time-stamped as they are received. The Village will not accept solicitation responses received after the due date and time specified in the Village’s solicitation document. Responses received by the Village after the specified due date and time will be returned unopened or may be discarded.

Award will be made to the lowest and best responsive, responsible bidder meeting specifications, after receiving competitive sealed bids or proposals or in the best interest of the Village as determined by the Village.

When only one response is received to a competitive solicitation for commodities or contractual services, the Village will review the solicitation response and circumstances surrounding the solicitation to determine if a second call for a competitive solicitation is in the best interest of the Village.

Governmental Contracts and other Cooperative Procurements and Contracts.
The Village Manager is authorized to purchase from (piggyback) a contract entered into by another governmental or public entity provided that the Village Manager has determined that it is practicable and advantageous for the Village to employ this method of procurement and that the governmental or public entity has followed a competitive bidding procedure leading to the award of the bid or contract.


The Procurement Division shall advertise any competitive solicitation for commodities and for contractual services on the Village’s Procurement Web Page and legal advertisement in the Miami Daily Business Review.

Newspaper Advertisement: Notice inviting bids shall be published once in at least one legal newspaper having general circulation, and at least ten (10) working days preceding the last day set for the receipt of bids or proposals.

Website: By visiting the Procurement Division's Current Solicitation page, notices are available for all current Village solicitations.


Suppliers are strongly encouraged to read all instructions carefully. Failure to properly complete all solicitation forms and comply with all instructions may result in the disqualification of your submittal. If you have general questions or need assistance, you may contact the Procurement Division. For technical clarification questions, written submission of your questions is required as further detailed in the solicitation document. If a written response is submitted, the submittal must have a date and time stamped on it by the Village Clerk or designee prior to the solicitation closing date and time as indicated in the solicitation documents.


Miami Shores Village will require proper insurance/indemnification based on job/project cost and risk assessment.

 The Village requires the awarded Supplier to maintain valid insurance coverage in accordance to the solicitation specifications for the duration of the awarded contract term.


Bid Security. Security may be required for any competitive sealed bid or proposal when deemed necessary and shall be required for all competitive sealed construction bids when the estimated cost of construction will exceed one hundred thousand ($100,000.00) dollars. Bid security shall be a bond provided by a surety company authorized to do business in Florida, cashier's or official bank check.

Unsuccessful bidders shall be entitled to return their bid security. A successful bidder shall be entitled to return his/her bid security upon execution of a contract within ten (10) working days of mailing the contract and/or delivery of a performance and payment bond if required. Successful bidders shall forfeit their bid security upon failure to execute a contract and/or provide a performance and payment bond if required.

Performance and Payment Bonds: Bonds may be required for any competitive sealed bid or proposal when deemed necessary. Performance and payment bonds in an amount equal to one hundred (100%) percent of the price specified in the contract shall be required for all competitive sealed construction bids when the estimated cost of construction will exceed one hundred thousand ($100,000.00) dollars. Bonds shall be provided by a surety company authorized to do business in Florida and listed in the Federal Register as published by the U.S. Division of the Treasury. Cash, checks, or letters of credit are not acceptable.


Bids shall be submitted sealed to the Village Clerk and shall be identified as bids on the outside of the envelope.

Bids shall be opened in public at the time and place stated in the public notices and shall be witnessed and certified by the Village Clerk or designees.

A tabulation of all bids received shall be made and shall be available for public inspection, as permitted under State Law.


All contracts, when the sum is below twenty-five thousand ($25,000) dollars, shall be awarded by the Village Manager, with a recommendation from the Division Head, for the lowest responsive and responsible bidder meeting specifications. All contracts, when the sum is in excess of thirty-five thousand ($34,000.00) dollars, shall be awarded by the Village Council to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder meeting specifications or in the best interest of the Village as determined by the Village.


Invitation to Bids: After bids are received and tabulated, they are analyzed by the Procurement Division staff and the Division to determine the lowest responsive and responsible solicitation that meets the specifications. In determining the responsiveness of the offer and the responsibility of the Supplier, in addition to price, the following may be considered when applicable and shall be taken into consideration:

1.    The character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience, previous performance, and efficiency of the bidder.

2.    The ability, equipment, capacity, financial strength, personnel resources, and skill of the bidder to perform the contract.

3.    The quality, availability, and adaptability of the supplies or contractual services to the particular use required.

4.    The ability of the bidder to provide further maintenance and service for the use of the subject of the contract.

5.    The quality of performance of previous contracts and whether the bidder can perform the contract within the time specified, without delay or interference.

The Village reserves the right to inspect all Supplier’s facilities in order to make a determination as to the foregoing. Failure of the Supplier to comply with the conditions set forth in the invitation to solicitation may result in the solicitation being considered non-responsive by the Village.

Request for Proposals and Request for Qualifications. Based on the specified evaluation criteria identified in each RFP or RFQ, a selection committee will evaluate and rank the proposals. The Proposer is responsible for ensuring all required submittal data is provided with the response for complete evaluation by the selection committee.

Any recommendation of ranking or award, as a result of an RFP or RFQ, will be submitted to the Village Manager for consideration and may be submitted to the Village Council for their approval. The Contract award, if any, shall be made to the Proposer whose proposal shall be deemed by the Village to be in the best interest of the Village. The Village’s decision to make the award and which proposal is in the best interest of the Village shall be final.   


All awards for solicitations are posted on the Procurement Division website for a minimum of three-day posting period.


Items purchased by the Village shall be delivered inside to the using Division at the “ship to” address shown on the Purchase Order. Some Divisions have limited receiving hours, which are stated on the Purchase Order. Deliveries must be accompanied by a shipping document. Vendors are required to obtain an employee’s signature on the shipping document.


In accordance with Florida State Statutes, Chapter 218.70, Florida Prompt Payment Act, payment will be made within forty-five (45) days after receipt of services and a proper invoice. The Village cannot make advance payments, make deposits in advance of receipt of goods, or pay C.O.D.

Vendors’ Invoices

All shipping and billing documents must show the Village’s Purchase Order number. The invoice should be mailed to:

Finance Division
10050 NE 2nd Ave.
Miami Shores, FL  33138

The Village is exempt from the payment of State sales tax. Certificates of exemption will be submitted upon request.

General Information
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
10050 NE 2ND Avenue
Miami Shores,

Monday - Friday
8:30am - 5:00pm